About me

Iā€™m Rumina, an EFT tapping practitioner based in Hertfordshire, here to support you with compassion and understanding.

I found EFT tapping 3 years ago while dealing with the stresses and overwhelm of being a working mum looking after my young daughter during multiple lockdowns.

I initially started using tapping to help deal with the stresses and issues coming up in my daily life, but quickly discovered what a powerful tool it is for unlocking the deeper issues behind the negative emotions coming up day-to-day. With tapping, I was able to help release these issues in a safe but gentle way transforming many areas of my life in the process.

Tapping and EFT helped me so much that I was drawn to train to become a practitioner in 2023.

Since then I have been working with clients on a variety of issues helping bring this life changing, calming technique to those looking to take the next step in their personal journey.